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2012 - The Official Countdown

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear Truth Seeker,

Are you tired?

Tired of all the misinformation out there about 2012?

If you've done even one Google search on the topic you know what I'm talking about...

The Mysterious Planet X will shift into earth's rotational path and collide with our planet! All life that isn't immediately destroyed will be flung from the surface and into space!

An explosion of gravity will drag the planet earth to the center of the galaxy where it will be swallowed up by all the other planets and possibly even a massive black hole!

A meteor will hit the earth, causing concurrent massive tsunamis . The impact will make the bombing of Hiroshima look like a ripple from a pebble tossed into a lake.

Bold claims... absolutely.

Anyone claims to know what's going to happen in the future... that's pretty bold on its own. But to predict something this huge... this life-changing...


That's super bold.

And that's not even the worst of it.

Because the boldest claims of all are the ones put out by the skeptics and cynics. The boldest claims are the ones that deny anything at all will occur.

Because... to say nothing is going to happen, means you're just not paying attention.

Let me be clear about this...

There is one thing that remains completely undisputed by anyone who is truly informed...

“Every Major Religion... Minor Religions You've Never Heard Of... Non-Religious Spiritualists... And Even Atheists And Agnostics Agree...”

In 2012... something will happen.Link


Aaaah... that's the issue in dispute. That's the issue that is causing all the debate.

And that's where you're having the most trouble deciding what is fact... and what is pure Hollywood fiction.

I'll give you full access to that answer:




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